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Terrington Village Hall
Registered Charity No. 1183854
Village Hall
YO60 6PZ

Same-Day Booking of Tennis Courts

This form is to be used to book a tennis court at Terrington Village Hall for play today. If you want to book the courts for a date in the future, please use the main booking form.

This 'same-day' form cannot update/check the online diary so before using this form, please check the diary to make sure the courts are not already booked.

The hire charge for a tennis court is £6 per court per hour (free of charge for members of Terrington Tennis Club in 2023).

On submitting your booking request via this form you will be sent an email which contains a PIN code to unlock the gates. At a later point, you will be sent an invoice for payment at £6 per hour.

Please fill in all sections, thank you.
eMail Address:
Telephone Number:
Number of Courts:
Number of Hours:

Data Privacy: The information you supply in this form will only be used for the purposes of processing your booking request and subsequently invoicing for payment. To comply with financial audit requirements, the data will be retained as a record for six years from the end of the financial year in which the invoice was settled. We will not share the data with any third parties.