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Terrington Village Hall
Registered Charity No. 1183854
Village Hall
YO60 6PZ
Old Herbaceous Starring Peter MacQueen

"Peter Macqueen's is an astonishing performance... This gently humorous, touching play tugs at heart strings and tickles ribs without resorting to cliche." Cumbrian News and Star

From the book by Reginald Arkell, 'Old Herbaceous' is a one-man show that is full of humorous anecdotes of gardening competitions and flirting with the underhouse maids. It is often referred to as Downtown Abbey with gardening tips! Pottering between the flowerbeds and grass cuttings of a manor house garden in Gloucestershire, Herbert Pinnegar (otherwise known as 'Old Herbaceous') is a charming old man that tells the journey of his life from orphan boy to legendary head gardener and recounts his friendship with the lady of the house, Mrs Charteris. Sown with the seeds of gardening wisdom, this charming show is a love story - a humorous portrayal of a single-minded yet gentle man with a passion for plants.
Peter Macqueen has been an actor for film, TV and theatre. He lectures in both acting craft and nature.